Ebba Fåhraeus
Elected 2018
Born: 1963.
Education: MBA from the Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden.
Experience and previous assignments: Ebba Fåhraeus has deep and wide experience in business development, growth strategies and marketing in both listed and non-listed life sciences companies.
Other current assignments: CEO of SmiLe Incubator in Lund, member of the boards of the Faculty of Medicine at Lund University, Carasent ASA, Skandia’s General Assembly, Coala Life and member of the Government Office’s advisory group for life science.
Total holdings in AcuCort: 496,620 shares.
Independent in relation to the company and its management and in relation to major shareholders.

Anna Eriksrud
Elected 2017
Born: 1958
Education: International MBA from Uppsala University, Sweden.
Experience and previous assignments: Anna Eriksrud has a background as a health care entrepreneur with over 25 years of experience in the medical and pharmaceutical sector, primarily from Q-Med and Pharmacia. She has run her own business through Apoteksamariten and has leadership experience from international cross-functional teams, establishing new market categories and launching global brands both in Europe and the US.
Other current assignments: CEO of NeoDynamics AB.
Total holdings in AcuCort: 80,877 shares.
Independent in relation to the company and its management and in relation to major shareholders.

Alexandra Johnsson
Elected 2018
Born: 1971
Education: Master of Science in International Economics from Umeå University, Sweden.
Experience and previous assignments: Alexandra Johnsson has over 20 years of experience in marketing and sales in leading positions in pharma and life science companies, both global groups and small-scale development companies. Most recently she held a position as the Nordic Marketing Manager for Zonnic’s non-prescription nicotine products.
Other current assignments: CMGO Chief Marketing and Growth Officer at PainDrainer AB. Board member VoiceDiagnostic AB.
Total holdings in AcuCort: 52,500 shares.
Independent in relation to the company and its management and in relation to major shareholders.

Göran Tornling
Elected 2021
Born: 1947
Education: M.D., Ph.D., Professor Emeritus in pulmonary medicine at Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.
Experience and previous assignments: Göran Tornling has more than 20 years of experience from all phases of clinical development in the pharmaceutical industry and he has held leading positions at AstraZeneca, Orexo and a number of smaller life science companies.
Other current assignments: Chief Medical Officer at Gesynta Pharma AB and Senior Advisor at Vicore Pharma AB.
Total holdings in AcuCort: 104,160 shares.
Independent in relation to the company and its management and in relation to major shareholders.

Monica Wallter
Elected 2021
Born: 1956
Education: International diploma in marketing & economics from Lund University, Sweden.
Experience and previous assignments: Monica Wallter has long experience and a solid background that is characterized by leading positions in well-known pharmaceutical and life science companies. Since 2000, Monica has, among other things, acted as CEO of the listed companies Probi AB and Ellen AB. In 2015, she took over as CEO of listed LIDDS AB and in 2021, she moved to the role of Senior Advisor in the same company. Her previous career includes experience from 15 years of international management positions and global leading positions in the Pharmacia Group.
Other current assignments: Chairman of Board in First Corner AB and Top Rider AB.
Total holdings in AcuCort: 24,996 shares owned by First Corner AB.
Independent in relation to the company and its management and in relation to major shareholders.

Jonas Jönmark
CEO since 2020
Born: 1971
Education: MBA from Lund University, Sweden.
Experience and prior assignments: Jonas Jönmark has more than 20 years of experience from leading positions as well as the CEO role in the pharmaceutical industry and the life science sector. His career has included big international pharma companies such as Pfizer, Astellas Pharma and Astra Zeneca, but also smaller start-up companies such as LifeScience Support and Alteco Medical. His track record includes broad experience from international business development, global product launches and creating strong sales growth.
Other current assignments: None.
Total holdings in AcuCort: 362,327 shares.